Benjamin Scott

A Full-Stack React Web Developer

My Mission

As a passionate Web Developer, striving to make the best application or website possible is what undeniably drives me onward. I'm always following the best techniques in Web Development, whether it be a Spectacular Design, Blazing Fast Web Pages / App Loading Times, or making this the easiest possible transition for You.



Built With


Extremely Fast Performance

Fully Customizable

Low Maintenance

Easily Scaleable

Built With


Quick Building / Prototyping

Easy Customizability

Thousands of Plugins


Built With


Lightning Fast Performance

Fully Customizable

Most Popular Framework (Library)

Easily Scaleable

Built With

React Native (Mobile)

Specifically Mobile

Easy Prototyping

React Based




The Basics Of Web Development

Getting You Comfortable

Sticks And Stones



Figuring Out What's Under The Hood

JavaScript Fundamentals

Functions and Classes

ES5 and ES6 Syntax

Advanced JavaScript



How JavaScript Entertwines

Getting You On Your Feet

Functional and Class-based React


Data Organizer


My first paid-for application that is used in a production environment.

Language Learning App


This app was built with language learners in mind. Not fully complete but it has the basics to get started on making an language learning application.

Organizational Timer


An app designed around a combination of Trello and Pomofocus. Built with another developer, we stole organization properties of Trello and combined them with the timing proponents of Pomofocus.

Person API


This was created with the thought of getting very comfortable with using React and handling state with immense ease. You can add a person to a file, add people to the main 'list' and create/edit/destroy folders as you please.

React Calculator


A calculator designed to improve complex logic though processes, moreof an excercize for my brain. To be honest, wasn't that hard other than it being my first TypeScript + React project.

To-do List


To-do lists are super easy in React, I just had to have one in my projects.

Tic Tac Toe

Vanilla JS

My very first projects dealing with JavaScript! I have refactored the code over time but I saved the old code in seperate files.

Accounting Website


A simple single page website focused on checking out JQuery and buiding simple animations with a clean design.

Pomodoro Timer

Vanilla JS

This project was made as a test of sorts. Me and another developer raced each other and whover had the best design and better features won.

JumpStart Website

Vanilla JS

My very first large website. Running on basic JavaScript this tank is a four page beast. Moreorless, this was another design expiriment.

Mini Game

Vanilla JS

A mini-game that dealt with classes in JavaScript. Up down left right arrow keys to move, F to FIREEEEE

An Old Portfolio

Vanilla JS

I sought through this portfolio with a completely 'non-standard' powerpoint feel to it. I focused primarily on design and animations.
